universidade lusófona


The new European migration pact: a positive change or just a pre-election campaign?

22 April, 2024

By Max Rapa from DEFOIN

Since the first draft of the new European migration pact, which was unveiled in September 2020, there have been major discussions between the right and the left, as well as amongst Member States, about the suitability and efficiency of this new piece of legislation. Indeed, until the very last moment, it was not sure that the pact would get approved, as there was a growing feeling of uncertainty from all political sides. Eventually, on the afternoon of April 11, the new migration plan got approved and big celebrations were made by all major European institutions. Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, stated that the approval of the pact can be considered as “a historic day” for Europe. But can we really call it a historic day for Europe? Will the migration problem come to an end? What will be the consequences for migrants? Let us explore in more details, what the pact really is about.

What do you know about acculturation?

15 April, 2024

By Belén González de la Parra from DEFOIN

The most widely used definition of acculturation is the one proposed for Redfield, Linton & Herskovits in 1936: ‘‘those phenomena which result when groups of individuals having different cultures come into continuous first-hand contact, with subsequent changes in the original culture patterns of either or both groups” (Redfield, Linton & Herskovits, 1936, in Sam & Berry, 2010, p. 473). Thus, these phenomena can be caused by short-term stays, multicultural spaces, migratory phenomena and/or any other situation involving contact between different cultures.

The SeHeMe Home&Away Online Magazine: Empowering Migrant Voices

26 March, 2024


The SeHeMe Project is dedicated to empowering migrants through the development of their media linguistic and language skills, enabling them to effectively express their narratives and perspectives on various social and daily topics. A pivotal component of this initiative is the “Home & Away” online magazine, emerging as a platform for migrants to freely articulate their voices and experiences within the host society. By fostering a space where migrants can share their stories and insights, the magazine endeavours to enhance their confidence in communicating with the broader community. Through this exchange, the project seeks to promote inclusivity and understanding between migrants and the host society, paving the way for greater acceptance and integration.

English language acquisition by migrants in Ireland

29 February, 2024

By Jing Wang from Eurospeak

Language acquisition is a pivotal aspect of migrant integration, playing a vital role in enabling individuals to participate fully in their adopted societies. In Ireland, a country that has seen significant demographic shifts in recent years due to immigration, English language proficiency is key to accessing employment, education, healthcare, and social services. SeHeMe explores the challenges and opportunities faced by migrants in Ireland as they strive to acquire English language skills and integrate into their new communities.

Media Literacy of Migrants in Ireland: Navigating a New Information Landscape

5 February, 2024

By Jing Wang from Eurospeak

In an era dominated by information and technology, media literacy has become a critical skill for individuals to navigate the complex landscape of news, entertainment and social discourse. For migrants in Ireland, developing media literacy is not just a matter of understanding the language, but also of grasping the cultural nuances and information sources that shape public discourse. The SeHeMe project explores the challenges and opportunities faced by migrants in Ireland in developing media literacy skills and the importance of fostering a more inclusive and diverse information environment.

Illegal Work

29 January, 2024

By Maria Kotrotsiou from E-SCHOOL

The most common terms for undeclared labour include “black” labour, underground or hidden labour, moonlighting, and illegal employment. Undeclared work, as defined in the EC’s Communication on Undeclared Work, is related to the following: ‘paid activities that are lawful as regards their nature but not declared to the public authorities, bearing in mind that differences in the regulatory system of Member States must be taken into account.’
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute on endorsement of the contents wich reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commision cannot be held responsible for any use wich may be made of the information contained therein.
This project has received funding from the Erasmus2027 programme under grant agreement No 101049786.
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